Seeing to last couple of years, automobile industry is very aggressive
for technology advancement. Companies like Mercedes, General Motors, Volvo, and
quite many has equipped their cars to give more safe drive for their consumers.
Now car to car communication is taking the pace in the mind of researchers.
Department of transportation seems very lucrative for
promoting this research especially car to car communication. They have provided
14.9 million dollars to University of Michigan. Many Expensive cars come with
the sensors and cameras. This car is able to sense the cars which may intercept
the road and accordingly slow down. This keep checks on the degree of view
which user cannot see even. So in case if car is losing its lane discipline or
going towards pavement car will slow down and give necessary warning. When this
technology will reach to basic or medium expensive cars then it is assumed that
75% to 80% crash will be reduces because of it. For information if we see data
of US where we the traffic management is pretty good, the toll of accidental deaths
on road reached to above 36000 in year 2011. Many automakers are joining hands with
the University for this Research. Almost 65 cars will be equipped with the
sensors and radio. This will connect to the concerned object and establish a
connection to exchange the necessary data. These machines can communicate
between themselves and act smartly which we can call artificial Intelligence.
As we have gone through in previous articles before, Google
has been trying to apply cent percent artificial intelligence and making a self
driven car. This project is going to take time but the above technology we discuss
will be soon in almost every normal car too. Humans are making now planes
without pilots so conclusion is only one. We are never ever stoppable as far as
technology enhancements are concerned.