Technology Updates: Ahh!!! Now Facebook, My life dashboard

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ahh!!! Now Facebook, My life dashboard

Hey!!! Do you want to know how many times you have been to Dominos this year? Are you interested knowing, how many times you watched movie? Facebook is coming with the solution. These things will leave everyone so freaky. Social Network site will become now a life analyzer for you assisting you in many ways. Interesting... huh?

 Facebook God

Facebook has got an application, which will present your day to day life in  form of statistical charts. Nick Felton accompanying with Ryan Case have developed an application which they named as ‘Daytum’. These designers are hired by Facebook now, to work on their behalf for bringing this wonderful piece of software to a grand social network platform. This application on Facebook seems to be very useful on the view point of fitness and health care purpose. It can go beyond the imagination for the betterment. Now you can calculate total calories gained from last month dumping junk in to your stomach and total time spent in gymnasium too. ‘Daytum’ tracks personal information which can generally help in health and medical scenarios, sleep schedules and etc.
Still there is no clear platform like how will Facebook present this wonderful piece in front of user? There are still hanging question like how much will be the user intervention regarding feeding and analyzing the data. It is assumed that Mobile Facebook will be important source of personal information. According to Felton and Case researches at time of designing 'Daytum' , "Perception about the own behavior people use to have is different from the actual behavior". As a example, They found that people spend more time watching other programs on TV rather than their favorites.
Except for user's attraction what will Facebook get out of doing so much? Facebook will have bulk of data which can be useful for many Market analyzer and Researcher and Facebook can sell this data. Facebook can fetch good amount of revenue from this application and most importantly continuous usage from the users. One more advantage of having this type of track will help for getting you strong on your social network. In the sense, you will having your behavioral data and this featured information can bring common group of people together. Now in short span, Facebook will be most addicted drug in the world.


  1. After reading this article, I want to you to add one more name in ur Poll Question "Who you think will rule the TechFreak world?" --- Facebook..

    I will definitely vote for Facebook.

  2. Hmmm you may be right.. :) Facebook may be better option at poll.. actualy i focused only on OS and applications but yes u never know FB can come up with anything :)
