As you know always technology is very invasive in itself. It is Unstoppable always. As far as War Weapons are concerned, researches and inventions have been imaginable. Think of a weapon which hit you with the heat and that much heat which is unbearable, it may result in to severe skin burn. You won’t be able to bear for more than 2 seconds and no injury. Researchers are really incredible in this sense. I am talking about ADS (Active Denial System). Now lets us understand what basic fundamentals are, which makes this weapon so effective.
If we try to understand in Lehman language, then this is nothing but electromagnetic or we can say laser rays which generated massive heat on the things it is applied. If we go in to the specification of this system, it generates electromagnetic radiations with the frequency of 95 GHz. Simply think that you are being in to Microwave for two seconds and how will you feel. Let us understand what happen when that laser rays touch to your skin. This ray goes dip to say 1/64 inches and pokes in the skin. Biologically "ye hota hai ki" fat molecule and water gets excited which is painful for nervous system. Except this it has very good range of around 500 metres to 600 metres minimum to make a strong effect. As far as eyes are concerned, then blinking of eyes is the solution which doesn’t harm the eyes much. It has even very less effect to result in to the cancer or other skin problems. You might be thinking that how this could be a very useful weapon?
Seeing to the feasibility and usability, this is very much useful to disburse the crowd, to stop group attack and most important thing is it’s so powerful that it difficult for normally dress body to resist from this rays. This technology becomes useful for torturing "high profile" prisoners. US army have deployed this in the Afghanistan but it was not so fruitful application of this technology. In the Image you can see that this is generally mounted on the Humvee (US army hummer type vehicle). This can be an alternate to control mass opposition where CRPF and Para-military force need to take offensive action of tear gas and water-shot to control crowd. This could be effective and safe alternative. Technology is ever Unstoppable.
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