Human Innovation will always be unstoppable. Larry and Sergey always had an intention to solve the problem with the help of technology. They came up with amazing concept of search engine with at most efficiency which helped world to grow in each and every field with greater speed. Analyzing the major current challenges faced by humans, they founded was the hardships of conveyance in daily schedule. According to report it is said that on an average almost 40 minutes of daily working day is wasted in the conveyance and if they thought that if it can be utilized in some other way they can increase the productivity of busy human beings in day to day’s life.
Google has been working on the undercover research project ‘Autonomous vehicle’. This news gone public when Google tested their car on public roads for around 140,000 miles. Thrun and Urmson explained in the conference how we can have self driven robotic car on roads soon. They released the High level Specs of this research, Video of live on-road successful testing as well as the videos of on board computer driving this car. They explained being more technical at high level view, how car got artificial intelligence be driven itself on road. Many software and hardware are being used behind this successful research. Toyota cars which have tied up with Google for this research is equipped with Radar sensors, Video cameras, Laser range finder as well as detailed map system which can be more perfect compared to the GPS system. This equipment can identify each and everything like vehicles, signals, pedestrians, road blockages, sharp turns, as well as the surface of the road and manage driving by them. There have been many challenges except to make the drive completely safe. Say for example when you are on cross road, if you are driving the car manually, you can apply some smart moves like if some car is coming from your left road but you can speed up and get crossed the way that, another car don’t need to break, to let you pass. To pour such artificial intelligence is challenges faced by the designers, they added in conference.
Moreover Google is too optimistic in terms of saving many lives. It is founded that around 1.2 million people die because of road accident in all over the world. This is because of human mistakes which can be avoided with help of technology. Google says if this technology works well, it can bring this figure to almost half. This may also promote the sharing of car since this technology works as a driver for you in a car. It is different thing that once Google self driven car has also suffered a major accident but at last founded the third party was the culprit and not automatic car. We we waiting to see this amazing piece of invention on the roads soon. Now you can take calls, read newspapers, prepare days plans, have nice hot coffee or many other amazing thing in car without giving attention to the road and driving. Isn't that amazing?
This Video may help us to understand in more better way the working of Amazing Google Self Driven car.
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